CS Bag - bottom section
This is the bottom section of my bag. At top right is a wheel I talked about and linked back to the original in my last post. I will talk more in a future post about exactly how I made this and the cross (see below)
At bottom left is an almost exact copy from the apron I found in an Op Shop. (Actually, as I was looking for that link I got diverted to Kay-Susan's Smockery post with some different patterns. Knew they were somewhere - need to work another sampler!). I have turned the unused crosses in the centre row into snowflakes.
The piece on the bottom right is Dawn's cross, with some traditional CS each side. This illustrates how important it is, even for something like this, to start on the correct square, as the contrast between the cross and gingham is not as good as in the original.
Okay - so that was it as worked on the gingham. Then I jumped off it, and went for freeform, which is where I was wanting to experiment.
The section on gingham on bottom left is worked on a line of five crosses, so I drew those five crosses on tissue paper, and worked them on the deep pink and then pulled the tissue paper out (I only had it pinned, not tacked down, which is why I think they are a bit wonky). After the tissue paper came out I did the weaving and turned some crosses into snowflakes.
So far, I have been working all in white, but I have replicated this in black on another piece I will show off soon. Again, I tried to "fragment" the edges, so as to not make them look too geometric.
Finally, I had a play with that piece to the left of the Fairy. I worked that on 14 count waste canvas, making stitches twice the size I would usually using waste canvas. First I worked the white lattice (DMC perle #8 crochet cotton, as is all the white on this work), then the mauve DMC Flower Thread. Then I removed the waste canvas.
This was a bit of a challenge for me, and I think there is potential there to use this method (crosses twice the size), but with much lower count waste canvas, like ten. I can see trellises for roses to ramble over, etc.
(In passing, I can see beads or roses or buttons inside the woven circles at some point. Oooooh - little mother-of-pearl buttons. *getting excited again*)
The large view of this section is HERE.
Congratulationd´s to the new/old stitches in a ner surrounding.Very inspiring for me too
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