Wednesday, 10 May 2006

The Auction is On!

The Flickr quilts are up on eBay. The first quilt is the main one, but quilts two and three are pretty good too.

The thing that is special about them, apart from the obvious fact that they are an attempt to help those impacted by Katrina, is that the larger one is an important record of the main influences of crazypatch in 2005. Never again will there be a snapshot like this of the work of a number of important practitioners, all at that time, and in the one work.

It would be wonderful if it was to go to an institution, where it could be referred to in years to come - but then again - we can all refer to it now on sharonb's pages. Although just imagine how it would be to have the actual, real thing.

This really is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to buy something really special, and help others less fortunate at the same time.

Thanks to Sharon, Annie and Willa for all you are putting into this. Annie's detailed description of making up the blocks is now a CQ classic.


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