Sunday, 1 January 2006

Before Leaving the Dragon Vest

Just before packing the poor Dragon Vest away, I did get a few seams done:


The beaded seam is from Nancy Eha's book, and I do love it.


There is a slightly larger version HERE. This is the one that has got me quite excited, and wanting to work on it more, but I am going to knock the Country Gardens sampler over first. I was outlining the design on the metallic, so it doesn't show up all that well. I think it is the Lotus design, not the Acanthus design, and if I make that into a creeper that flows over the rest of the vest it will do exactly what I want - make a leafy, cool green bower for my Dragons.

Then I can put all sorts of mythical fruit and flowers on it - sort of a bit like this DYB I did for Maureen III ages ago. That was my first experiment, and I wanted to try more.

Linda for Maureen

Now, I just need to go and look at Jacobean vines, and Victorian woodcuts ......

Poor Dragon Vest - it is packed away again. And I really want to work on it - but I am going to get that Country Gardens Sampler finished.


Blogger Ulla said...

Soft style so different for the blue beauties.I love both styles.

Happy 2006

Ulla in the north of Sweden

6:02 am  
Blogger A Arte do Crazy Patchwork said...

i love so must this blog everything is so beautiful, congratulations, is so creative, i am sorrie but my ingles is not god iam portuguese i am live in a island S. Miguel in Azores, i hope you understand me.

10:37 am  

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