Tuesday 12 April 2005

Crinoline Ladies

Have just had a wonderful find at an Op Shop - a 1949 copy of Needlewoman and Needlecraft (English), which I got for five cents!!!!!

There are quite a few interesting things in it - including a tatting pattern - but I thought some people might like to see the Crinoline Ladies. I'm not into Crinoline Ladies myself, but know a lot of people are. And this one is quite complex. And the tree to the right of her ain't half bad, either.

Crinoline Lady

There is a large picture HERE, with some of the details of the threads used, but unfortunately there is no pattern. You had to buy it for sixpence hapenny. (Once at the larger version, you need to click on the enlarge icon, or on the picture with your cursor, depending on your program). The details of the threads continue onto the next page, and I haven't scanned that - if you really would like those details, please feel free to contact me.

The magazine doesn't show the total design - this is as close as I could get:

Crinoline Lady

On the back cover of the magazine is an advertisement for a book on Crinoline Ladies:

Crinoline Lady

The big copy for that one is HERE.

When I first saw the magazine (It is quite small), I thought - hmmm, late 1950s to early 1960s. I'll have that.

Interesting, when I finally found a date in it, to see how far out I was.


Blogger Maureen said...

Serendipity that you posted a Crinoline lady today L.
I borrowed a mag from the library today,because it had a crinoline in it.Wouldn't you know?NO pattern!! So I'll guess I'll have to "try" and emulate your copying skills.p.s. (I)like the tree too!

11:08 am  
Blogger Gina E. said...

Have just discovered how to access your latest blog postings, and have been catching up! Now that I have seen your plans for your UFO tablecloth, I understand why you would rather cut it up and use the stitched bits - you are very creative! (Not that you need to be told, lol!)
Crinoline ladies, aka Dolly Varden or Southern Belles (cute!)..ah, quite my passion. The March/April issue of "Australian Country Collections" has an article on these designs, with lots of lovely colour photos to make the fans of these ladies drool with delight. I have half a dozen table cloths and many doilies, and today my darling ever-patient husband gave me a gorgeous plate (dinnerplate size) with a crinoline lady on it. Must have cost him a packet in an antique shop - you don't find them in op shops! This was my birthday present, and although it wasn't actually a surprise (I chose it!) I was still very happy unwrapping it this morning!

12:46 am  

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