Well, here are four of the fan blocks for the DYB - real ife is interferring, and I won't get to make any more until at least the weekend.

Basically I settled on jewel colours plus black, but at this point have been avoiding using black in the actual fans. And, of course there is more purple, but it isn't showing up. A good start, but still more to do.
No-one out there knows how to get the iron-on gunk off the back of a motif, do they???? Have a feather motif I want to put on the wall-hanging, but it has that thick, rubbery stuff on the back, andI don't want to iron it onto the block. All suggestions welcome.
Wow! How do you find the time! I adore your do some amazing stuff! Thanks for the pictures and the inspiration...I love to find other CQ fans out there!
The fans look interesting, are they raw edges at top of the fan, except where the lace has been attached? Can't quite work it all out. Are the fans stitched together before placement on the foundation with the rest of the pattern. Will look lovely.
Hi Robyn,
For the top two the edges are raw, and for those two the wedges were cut and placed on by one on the foundation - one working from one side to the other, the other working from the centre outwards. For those, braid, lace or ribbon can be placed directly over the raw edges.
For the bottom two, I pieced the fans first and then put the lace on them. The lace and fans go right sides together, sew, turn back so the raw edges are underneath, and then press. The fans are then placed on the block, and at this stage just tacked down. The embellishing stitches will hold them there.
I think I infinitely prefer the second method. Except you do need to very slightly gather the lace first.
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