Saturday 22 January 2005

Stitch Combination #1

I'm working away on my Tsunami block, and have settled on this stitch combination - right out of my head, but no doubt someone else has invented it first.

Stitch Comb1

First up I did the green Feather stitch, and then for each flower I first worked a Lazy Daisy with a longer than usual end stitch (you can see one at the top). Then I did a Fly stitch where the bottom part (the leg on the "Y") started at the top of the inside of the Lazy Daisy and went down again near where the flower joined the green stem. This fills up the Lazy Daisy.

I like it! If I was really good I would do two Pistil Stitches in yellow at the end of each flower as well for stamens - but I do want to get this block finished.


Blogger Mary-Frances said...

Fantastic! I really love that stitch! Thanks for sharing it!

11:20 am  
Blogger piney cq said...

Thats a really interesting combo!! I like it! When I read your description on my blog, I was thinking of the fly stitch opening the other direction, which could be kind of neat too. Kind of reminds me of some of the persian flower designs! Thanks for sharing your stitch with me! Another to add to the ol' doodle cloth! :_)

10:49 am  

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