Friday 18 February 2011

Here be Dolls

Okey Dokey - I am up and at it. The target is to have three dolls ready to stitch on International Women's Day on 8 March. Be a soda! Might make more yet.

Step 1

Step 1

This is a bit more complicated than necessary, as I have settled on an exact size for the dolls that fits between two hoops.

Step 1 - find something like the 6 inch plate of craftwood I had made when I was doing stumpwork. This picture shows it in a 6 inch hoop, flush with the top, to give you an idea of size. If you were making a six inch doll, it would be perfect.

Trouble is, I am making one just a little bit bigger.

Step 2

Step 2 - put fabric in 8 inch hoop, and round plate below. You need to draw on this side first, and then take it to a window to use as a light box, and duplicate the design on the other side.

You could do this without hooping, just I like the tension on the fabric when I am drawing. And all I use is a biro.

With the six inch plate I have to move it around a bit. Might get an 8 inch plate made.

Step 3 - take the fabric out of the hoop and piece across it, using a flip and sew action. I only used four pieces of fabric per doll. I am piecing in purple and green, then adding white lace, which will give me the Suffragette colours.

And here be dolls:

Here be Dolls

I know they don't look much yet, so I am off to stitch around the line on the back, and then trim.


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