Wednesday 15 June 2005


I have been looking at another one of the UFOs I want to get back to, which is my Hearts from the Chains of Hearts mailing list. This is an international list at Yahoo where people make and exchange unfinished six-inch Hearts, as a direct swap, with no deadlines. And there are some lovely people on there.

For example - this is one Heart I made (although not finished in this picture)

Heart in progress

which went, I think from memory to Canada (some overseas may recognise again my fascination with Lyrebirds)

and this is one I received from Maureen in Queensland.


They are a lovely project, and I am loooking forward to a time when I am able to give them some time again.


Blogger Gina E. said...

Wow... I have just got to start learning patchwork and quilting, even if only to join this Chain of Hearts list. Linda, they are just beautiful - and I love purple too!

9:51 pm  

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