Wednesday 20 April 2005

Bear's Fan Block

This is one of Bear's four Fan blocks in the Fan RR.

Linda for Bear

I agonised for ages, but finally decided to work on just one of them, not on all four.

Bear has asked for jewel colours, and even mentioned scarlet. I couldn't quite do the scarlet, but did decide to pick up the deeper red that Alison used on the block on which she worked. And the pink is to pick up the sort of tangerine on two of the other blocks. You can see them HERE, although the tangerine looks hot pink on my screen.

With this block, I decided to emphasise the rays of the fan, by putting a circular top to the fan - I had four hours in the car yesterday as a passenger, so I did the tatting then. I had already decided I would be putting a rosebud in as the feature, and using it to break the line of the tatting a little.

Now I need to go off and work on highlighting the rays of the fan. I might even put a line of stitching straight up the white as a sort of "false" ray.


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