Saturday, 10 June 2006

Sampler - better picture

Only a quick post this morning - I am off to a UFO Day, and who knows what I might come home with.

In the meantime, I have managed a better picture of the 1842 sampler, this time through only one lot of glass, and out in natural light.


The very, very large one is HERE.

Any comments welcome - Pamela, I still don't know if it is silk or not, but the stitches are very close.


Blogger Julia said...

Very beautiful Chloe!!
And the stitcher was only 8 yrs old..

10:18 am  
Blogger Calidore said...

It is a beautiful Sampler. Imagine what masterpeices the eight year old who embroidered it went on to make.

10:48 am  
Blogger Pamela Kellogg said...

Linda, that is just so incredibly beautiful! Judging by the detail of the sampler and the vast amount of thread colors used, it's probably safe to assume that the threads are silk. I'm still thinking based on the, size of the piece, the workmenship and amount of colors, that the stitcher belonged to a family with unlimited means.

I could look at this all day!

3:16 am  

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