Sunday, 16 April 2006

Wogga Block2

Here is my next block in the Wogga - which I am enjoying very much.


For this one I wanted to experiment with piecing from a corner, not the centre - so not using a five-sided centre piece.

Judith Baker Montano has a similar method (p.24 The Crazy Quilt Handbook, 2nd edn), but she still comes out from a five-sided piece, but in the corner. And she trims back a lot - hers is a lovely, large and complex block.

I wanted to try doing a fan first, and worked without trimming back. And I am quite happy with the result.

Here is an exact plan of the block, showing the patches in order.


Patches 7A and 7B were first joined off the block, and then added as one. With hindsight I should have run the line between them at the other angle, as it mirrors the long lefthand side of 4 - but stitching will fix all that. Patch 8 would have been better made from two pieces, but I wanted those nice long lines for my sampler stitches.

I am really happy with how Block 1 is going, but am not ready to show it off yet. At this stage I am entranced with the stitching process - the pure wool is thin and fine, and like stitching through butter. There is a little bit of wool felt in there too - not sure if I will be using it yet.

But I think I might stick with this piecing method - it is going to go well with the joining method that I hope to use - coming soon.


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