Friday 7 January 2005

Do I really want to do this????

Hmmm, do I really want to do this, have a blog - there is only one way to find out. Not at all sure about this blog thing, but thought I would go and have a play anyway. :)

Peacock Wall Hanging
Maybe 2005 will be the year of the UFO - here is one that I am determined to finish this year - a Peacock Wall hanging made up from a number of Round Robins.

(I have to admit this is a second pic - not sure you are supposed to go back and edit old posts ..... however, this is closer to the state of it when I started the blog. Although there is a lot more purple than shows up on my screen - always a problem I have)

I am to the stage of sewing the blocks together (and therefore embellishing the seams) as well as finishing off two of the blocks that were my commitment from DYBs (a particular sort of Round Robin, where everyone embellishes one of the six blocks you make, and you have to do the last one).

Okey Dokey - less playing on the computer, and more stitching, I think. :) Actually, I do want to work on this UFO, but need to get another block finished first. Which is another story for another day.


Blogger Maureen said...

Hello Chloe! Nice to see you blogging and to catch up with your life. Bit like a visual journal. Nice piece of crazy on your first blog.

8:44 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi , Chloe ? LInda .First why the two different names? Are you Chloe or Linda ? None of my business anyway. I like your Blog. don't think I will do one as I would just get blogged down with it , and get more behind with the stitchin. I am just trying to get a bit more organised in what I do, and tidier (ugh) in my room, so that I can find what I want when I want it....I tried to send a reply with my name, sewcrazy21200, but it wasn't accepted ??????? Anyway keep up the good work, you inspire me. Cheers, Margaret in sunny Queensland

10:34 am  
Blogger Linda said...

Hi Margaret (and Maureen),

Thank you both for your comments -t he first on my blog. :)

Yes, Margaret, it is Linda - half of me thought I might have fun having a different identity, but the other half knows I would never be able to keep a secret of who I was. Chloe is a nickname I have had for years, and well, I just thought I might make a place just for her to live. :)

11:13 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been interesting Chloe/Linda reading about your DYBs.
I think I need your advice (privately) before I unveil my Blog to the world.
Keep spreading the good word on CQ.
The Muddled one in Qld!

6:02 pm  

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